The Power of Personal Style: How to Create a Dating WardrobeThat Reflects Your Personality

By Carmelia Ray

In the world of dating and matchmaking, first impressions are everything. From the moment you walk into a room, your appearance speaks volumes about who you are, your personality, and even your mood. Dressing is not just about looking good; it's about feeling confident and comfortable in your skin and potentially attracting people and opportunities. You radiate authenticity and confidence when you dress in a way that aligns with your personality and values. It's essential to embrace and create a unique style to transform your dating and professional life. Here’s how…

Expressing Your Identity Online

Clothing is a powerful form of self-expression. It allows you to showcase your unique personality, interests, and values without saying a word. When you dress authentically, you clearly message potential partners about who you are and what you stand for. I turned to Melissa Austria, owner of Gotstyle ( @gotstylemen + @gotstylewomen) to see what advice she would pass along to a woman interested in finding clothes that match her personality...

"There's a misconception that all women like to shop or are born with style,” Melissa explains. “To help find your style, start with a Pinterest board of celebrities and looks you're drawn to then go to a local boutique (like Gotstyle), where the stylists can try different looks on you to see what resonates. Leave your perceptions at the door and allow yourself to try things you normally wouldn't. Only when you ‘play’ with clothes can you determine how you want them to represent you!"

Establishing personal style in dating and relationships is so important. It’s like your calling card to the world, she says. “If you're sloppy and don't care about what you wear, it's setting a tone and giving clues for how you'll be in a relationship. Think of the personality of someone who's a minimalist dresser (concise, to the point) vs, someone who's a maximalist dresser (outgoing, extravagant).”

For example, if you're a free-spirited, bohemian soul, dressing in flowy fabrics and earthy colors will showcase your natural aura. On the other hand, bold prints and sequin skirts paired with spiky stilettos paint an entirely different picture..

Make a Statement

In a sea of generic styles, embracing your personal style sets you apart from the crowd. When you dress uniquely and authentically, you create an immediate visual impact that captures attention, explains Mikayla Mercer, who serves as the in-house stylist for my brand,

“How you dress and carry yourself represents who you are,” says Mikayla. "If you're somebody with a bubbly personality, what you wear usually matches that. You might cover up more than someone else would if you're a modest or conservative person. In my generation, what you wear is everything!”

This uniqueness can be a powerful magnet for the right partner who appreciates your individuality. Instead of conforming to societal norms, use your unique style as a tool to flaunt your true self.

Building Connection through Your Wardrobe

When two people share a mutual appreciation for each other's personal style, it creates an instant connection. Similar aesthetics and fashion tastes can serve as a foundation for building a deeper bond with a potential partner. This common fashion ground can accelerate interest in getting to know someone on a deeper level.

Remember, love begins with self-acceptance, and your dating wardrobe is a powerful way to reflect your personality through your color, style, fabric, texture, and brand choices. Have fun, and don't be shy to express yourself through your wardrobe!

BELLA Magazine

BELLA Magazine offers a carefully curated guide on fashion, beauty, health, philanthropy, arts and culture, cuisine, celebrities, and entertainment. The magazine is available nationwide through subscription and caters to both men and women.

Our content aims to inspire and empower readers with relevant and informative articles. BELLA features interviews with celebrities, influential people and real-life stories to provide insights on various topics.

After its acquisition in 2019, BELLA magazine is published under BELLA Media + Co. which also publishes BELLA Latina magazine + BELLA Around Town Small Business Digest, available in print and digital formats.


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