Love, In a New York State of Mind

“Fast" - one of the primary adjectives related to our beloved city, known for being the melting pot of the world. Whether it's fashion, food, or the chance to find love, time and time again. Nevertheless, the chance to just unknowingly find a significant other is available at every corner. For instance, while having a business meeting at The Moxy in Times Square, or enjoying a fabulous martini at Dante's. The possibilities are endless and, needless to say, overwhelming.

I've experienced in my "high heel clicking the pavement travels" every type of man - a mechanic who couldn't commit, a pilot who may have been having a mid-life crisis, and a chef (though younger than I'd like to admit) who said all the right things but needed more action behind their words. All very unique in their way, but as time would tell, not the right love for me.

Alas, as I sip on my morning cold brew with an added shot of espresso and a dash of cinnamon (your friend here likes to be caffeinated,) I recall a recent conversation I had with an always-intuitive bartender. They stated that "nowadays people have become so hyper-independent," which got me thinking... We are taught in today's society to do it all on our own, but have we forgotten that it takes two for a relationship to work?

Don't even get me started on the social media factor that plays into the easy option of swiping left or right, emphasizing just how quickly you can move on to the "next one." Call me a classic romantic, but I still believe in finding that special someone in person, so let me give you a little guide of the city on our search for love...

Men of the Upper East Side are that of maturity and have no problem approaching you anytime during the day. They are so secure in knowing what they want and going after it.

Boys in the West Village are exactly that, there for a fun, short-term fling and most likely not remembering the night before. Can someone say, "shots?"

Indie/tech guys fill the Brooklyn streets of Williamsburg. Warning, they may try to convince you to get Bitcoin or assist in their latest start-up.

Musicians in the East Village are always masquerading as someone else, but at least you'll have a new Spotify playlist to listen to and reminisce on the encounter.

SoHo guys will most likely spend half their time in NYC and the other half… somewhere else. If you're okay with long distance while they're off on another "work trip," then you'll be solid.

Take what you will from my humble opinion on the NYC dating blueprint, but know that all of this is subject to change on your journey throughout this very populated island.

I'll leave you all with this... I used to live by the belief that "if they wanted to, they would." But, I've come to realize that most of them, in fact, don't. Which, in turn, makes us question who we are and what's wrong with us? Just remember, no matter where you came from, how you look, your sexual preference, financial background, and/or emotional baggage you may be carrying (hopefully it's a designer label) there is someone out there for you! Continue to get out there and explore new options. As for me, I choose to always put self-love first and to not be afraid of having a roster of opportunities until I find the right one for me.

Some say "you can't have your cake and eat it too." So to that, I merely reply, "then what's the point of having cake?"


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