BELLA Blog Amanda Mactas BELLA Blog Amanda Mactas

A New Year, A New Clean Home at Your Fingertips

With January off to a slow start (thanks again, pandemic), it's the perfect time of year to hunker down, partake in some self care, and reflect on your goals and resolutions for the coming year. It's out with the old and in with the new, especially around your home. Since the pandemic has forced many of us to spend more time than ever at our homes, it's important to keep it clean and organized. After all, the more cluttered the home, the more cluttered the mind.

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Arts & Culture, Blog, Opinion BELLA Magazine Arts & Culture, Blog, Opinion BELLA Magazine

I’m Here Because of Christmas

It’s no secret, I love all things Christmas. The lights, the sugar cookie candle smell, the music, the trees; I love every bit of it. But it wasn’t until recently, when I was the victim of antisemitism that I decided to do some soul searching to find a connection as to why my affinity towards Christmas is so strong.

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