A New Year, A New Clean Home at Your Fingertips

With January off to a slow start (thanks again, pandemic), it's the perfect time of year to hunker down, partake in some self care, and reflect on your goals and resolutions for the coming year. It's out with the old and in with the new, especially around your home. Since the pandemic has forced many of us to spend more time than ever at our homes, it's important to keep it clean and organized. After all, the more cluttered the home, the more cluttered the mind.

Thanks to Neabot, it's easier than ever to stay on top of keeping your home (or office) spick and span. The high tech home cleaning company recently launched the Neabot NoMo Q11, the first self-emptying robot vacuum that has the ability to sweep, mop and vacuum all at once.As someone who is notoriously messy, the new Neabot has been an absolute game changer in my home. Here are some of my favorite features:

  • It's so quiet! I could be on a Zoom call and you'd have no idea I had a vacuum going on in the background. The only time it makes substantial noise is when it is done vacuuming and empties the dirt into its home base.

  • It maps out your home. The Neabot easily does a scan of your entire home, which you can then see as a map on the app that it comes with. You can select specific areas or rooms you want it to clean or even designate "no go" zones.

  • It not only vacuums, but also mops the floors. I don't know how all of this amazing technology works, but somehow the Neabot can sense carpet versus wood versus tile flooring, and it will mop your floors in accordance. It's a genius.

  • I can set the vacuum to clean even when I'm not home, thanks to the handy app it comes with.

  • It doesn't bump into  things! I've heard this time and again from friends who own other smart vacuums, and one of their biggest complaints is that they bump into things over and over again. The Neabot can sense when there are clothes on the floor, or other things in its way, and goes right around them.

  • It's thin. Thin enough to clean under couches and media consoles. I love that it can get into hard to reach areas.

  • It has a little brush that allows it to get into and clean tricky corners.

  • It can direct itself over carpets and room dividers easily, but won't fall down stairs. If there is a lip on your doorway, the Neabot can get itself over the threshold, making cleaning easier, but when it senses a big drop, like a stair, it will simply turn around so it doesn't fall.

After testing it out for a couple of months, I can easily say that I am beyond impressed. Once it is done cleaning, it moseys back to its self-emptying dustbin, where it will empty trash into its home base. It can hold enough dirt for a month (depending on your house size), meaning you simply have to empty the bin sporadically. One of the best things about it is that you can go about your day without the need to worry about cleaning, giving you more time to get things done. And even if you have children who leaves toys out, it can easily navigate around any unforeseen mess in its way. You can even program a schedule to have it automatically clean your home so you never have to think about it. I know my year is off to a clean and tidy start.


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