Summer Sculpting with Dr. Bushra Helmandi of Beauty and Body Aesthetics

They say summer bodies are made in the winter…not anymore, thanks to innovative body contouring technology. At Beauty and Body Aesthetics located in midtown Manhattan, summer bodies can continue to be made, contoured, and perfected year-round. Beauty and Body’s founder, Dr. Bushra Helmandi, is proud to introduce the TruSculpt iD and Trusculpt Flex devices, used for exactly that.

TruSculpt iD is a non-invasive, non-surgical treatment for removing unwanted fat that will keep the fat off without an intense diet and workout plan. The procedure uses radiofrequency energy to heat pockets of excess fat cells until they’re damaged. The body evacuates them out over the next few weeks through your lymphatic system. The heat also provides skin-tightening benefits, as well as improvement in the appearance of cellulite. This device can be used to treat several of the typical “problem areas,” including the bra area, neck, love handles, buttocks, and thighs.

TruSculpt flex is a non-surgical muscle toning and strengthening system that uses electrical muscle stimulation to trigger deep muscle contractions at high intensity. Muscle contouring is fast becoming one of the most popular aesthetic treatments for women and men. This FDA-approved muscle toning and sculpting treatment for the thighs, buttocks, and abdomen has proven to deliver up to 30% increase in muscle mass.

Utilizing these treatments together, known as Trubody, they combat stubborn fat pockets for an average of 24% fat reduction and then stimulate muscles to contract at a rate of 20 contractions per second or up to 54,000 abdominal crunches per treatment.

“Some are using these treatments in conjunction with active lifestyles and daily workouts for an enhanced effect.”

With no downtime and no change in daily activity, these treatments are gaining wide popularity. People can pop into the office during their lunch break essentially and walk out 45 minutes later with a complete treatment —and return to work.

“It seems that most people are opting for noninvasive treatments for body contouring and shying away from going under the knife due the risk of post-op complications and recovery time,” says Dr. Bushra. “Some are using these treatments in conjunction with active lifestyles and daily workouts for an enhanced effect.”

For more information on these treatments and a complimentary consultation at Beauty and Body this summer, visit

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