Moda + Estilo de Vida por Jonathan Calixto, Bienvenido a BELLA Latina

Jonathan Calixto es una persona influyente con plataforma en las redes sociales. Habla de su cultura como Peruano-Americano, su contribución como parte de la comunidad LGBT, su pasión por moda y estilo de vida. Como correspondiente de BELLA Magazine lo puedes encontrar cubriendo modas para el y ella, eventos como Fashion Week en Nueva York, Miami, y Paris. También, conduce su propio segmento en Instagram @ThisisJCali hablando de como seguir alcanzando tus metas.

Es con mucho cariño que le damos la bienvenida a Jonathan a BELLA Latina Mag.

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Jonathan Calixto is a rising influencer through his social media platforms. On the forefront talking about his culture as a Peruvian-American, being part of the LGBT+ community, and his love for fashion and lifestyle. As a correspondent for BELLA Magazine you can catch him talking with creatives on #BELLAMakeItWork, sharing the trends in style for him and her, and covering the latest runway shows at New York, Miami, and Paris. As well, hosting his segment Inspire Your Inner Boss on Instagram @ThisisJCali talking about the importance of self-care and personal growth.

Jonathan Calixto es una persona influyente con su plataforma en las redes sociales. Hablando de su cultura como Peruano-Americano, parte de la comunidad LGBT, su pasión por moda y estilo de vida. Como correspondiente de BELLA Magazine lo puedes ver hablando de que esta de moda para el y ella, cubriendo eventos como semana de moda en Nueva York, Miami, y Paris. También conduciendo su propio segmento en Instagram @ThisisJCali hablando de como seguir tus metas.
Jonathan Calixto is a rising influencer through his social media platforms. On the forefront talking about his culture as a Peruvian-American, being part of the LGBT+ community, and his love for fashion and lifestyle. As a correspondent for BELLA Magazine you can catch him talking with creatives on #BELLAMakeItWork, sharing the trends in style for him and her, and covering the latest runway shows at New York, Miami, and Paris. As well, hosting his segment Inspire Your Inner Boss on Instagram @ThisisJCali talking about the importance of self-care and personal growth.
BELLA Magazine

BELLA Magazine offers a carefully curated guide on fashion, beauty, health, philanthropy, arts and culture, cuisine, celebrities, and entertainment. The magazine is available nationwide through subscription and caters to both men and women.

Our content aims to inspire and empower readers with relevant and informative articles. BELLA features interviews with celebrities, influential people and real-life stories to provide insights on various topics.

After its acquisition in 2019, BELLA magazine is published under BELLA Media + Co. which also publishes BELLA Latina magazine + BELLA Around Town Small Business Digest, available in print and digital formats.


Estilista y columnista, Melissa Polo Landau bienvenida a BELLA Latina


Moda y Latinoamérica en tiempos de pandemia