Animal Totems: Animal Power + Healing Advice

By Chris Lanston

Animal totems have been around since humans. We all have animal instincts and have had a pet of some sort in our lives. Animals are there to protect or heal us in some way. Let’s see what animal comes out for your sign as this year comes to a close. (Make sure to also look at your Rising and Moon signs as well as your Sun sign.)


Seagull: Tidy Up

The seagulls are here to tell you it’s time to clean up and get organized this season, Aries! That can be as minor as cleaning a room and your closet or it could be as large as whittling down your social circle. Either way, it’s time to make some choices!


Rooster: Laughter and Joy

Taurus, another year is almost in the books. Spend these last few weeks of 2023 laughing or celebrating what you have accomplished this year. Make sure to remember the small things and be grateful for what you have in your life.


Crow: Trust in transformation

You’ve had a lot of things shift lately or within the year, Gemini. Make sure to trust this transformation that has happened and will continue. Life is all about choices, and when you accept that things usually never stay the same, it will be easier to move forward in comfort.


Fox: Welcome nighttime magic

Hey there, Foxy Cancer! Looks like you are feeling pretty confident and want to have a night out more than usual. Go for it–people will be drawn to your unique essence and the way you move! You have the charm and the magic spell to end the year.


Mouse: Release worry

Leo, you are usually the loud lion, but its’ time to move in secret and silence—and very quickly! The mouse energy knows just where to go without anyone noticing. However, sometimes things can feel like a trap. If it looks too good to be true it may just be. Use your strength to get in and out and leave drama behind.


Roadrunner: Transform your energy

Virgos, you and Gemini are transforming for the year ahead. You are both ruled by the planet Mercury, but you are transforming energy and will need to trust the process. Energy can never be destroyed, so it’s up to you to decide what you want changed in your life. Is your energy slow or fast? You have the essence to stop time or speed it up—it’s totally up to you.


Bull: Step forward

It’s time to take charge and step forward, Libras! You are all about balance, but it’s time to tip the scales and run after what you want. Don’t let anyone grab you by the horn this time and slow you down. Be a little wild straight out of the gate.


Rhinoceros: Get out of your own way

It’s time to move your stubborn ways aside, Scorpio! What’s holding you back is you. Have a chat with yourself and figure out a plan to move ahead for the year ahead. Are you afraid and protecting yourself a bit too much? Be safe—sure—but live a little and get out of your own head!


Beetle: Think optimistically

We all have things that can go wrong at times, Sagittarius, but don’t let that make you a Negative Nancy. Try and shift the mood by listing to your favorite music or do something you love to put you in a better mood. Release those endorphins and then think of another way to accomplish your task.


Bee: Celebrate life

It’s time to get things buzzing, Capricorn. You are a worker bee, and that’s OK, but remember to be the queen bee sometimes and enjoy the honey, not just work for it! Life can be sticky or sweet, but take time to celebrate what you have accomplished. Be like Beyonce—Queen Bee—the rest of the year!


Seal: Find a heart connection

The song that comes to mind is “Listen to Your Heart” by Roxette. What gives you peace? Surrender to that! We’ve all had a broken heart but finding a connection again is what humans do. The mind can be tricky to listen to, but the heart will always be louder.


Butterfly: Lighten up

Butterflies are usually all about transformation, but before you can get there, Pisces, maybe it’s time to lighten up—let go and let it happen. If things are meant for you, they will come. Don’t let things bring you down too much. Remember: The butterfly has the most transforming shift of all animals; with that said, you transform the most! So, lighten up and fly high.


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