10 Questions to Ask Yourself Before 2024

A new year is upon us…and what a year it’s been! Have you taken a moment to think about the year that has passed?

As we approach the end of 2023, it's essential to reflect on the past and prepare for the future. Asking ourselves the right questions can guide our decision-making and ensure that we start the new year with clarity and purpose.

If you haven’t, here are 10 questions to help you get started.

  1. Am I happy with where I am at with my life right now?

  2. What am I passionate about? What am I doing to pursue my passion?

  3. Who and what things are weighing me down that I need to get rid of? How will I do it?

  4. What do I need to forgive myself for?

  5. When did I feel most alive this year?

  6. What was sacred about that moment?

  7. What do I want to let go of?

  8. What do I want to dedicate 2023 to?

  9. What did I learn about myself in 2023?

  10. What did 2023 represent to me in my path?

Before 2024 arrives, take the time to contemplate these ten questions. Reflect on your accomplishments, examine your goals, and assess your overall satisfaction and happiness.

You will gain valuable insights to help you forge a path towards personal growth, success, and fulfillment in the upcoming year and beyond. Embrace the opportunity to self-reflect and set yourself up for an incredible 2024.


Partying With a Purpose


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