The Summer Scopes: Sizzling Affirmations + Advice
By Chris Lanston
Find out what affirmation is most needed for your Sun sign so you can shine even brighter this summer! Enjoy the summer months and have fun with some personal affirmation advice selected for you and inspired by the "Affirmators!” card deck (available on
Affirmation: Perseverance
It seems you’re on a massive journey right now, so let this serve as a reminder that you will reach the other side! The mountain you’re climbing is huge, but so is your ability to climb it. You don’t need to enjoy it—you just need to tackle it .
Affirmation: Trust
Trust that everything will be OK in the end… partly because I simply know it in my gut, but also because it’s way more fun to live with trust and confidence.
Affirmation: Clarity
Stopping to listen to your inner self will help you easily separate your intuition from your mental chatter. The clarity of intuition is a sweet, simple fruit that tastes familiar, while the mental chatter is a confusing, bitter rind to peel off and chuck in the garbage.
Affirmation: Authenticity
Authenticity is the name of the game. Whatever comes up, be sure to feel it. Whatever needs to be said, say it. Whoever doesn’t get it doesn’t have to get it, but at least they know it because you’ve said it.
Affirmation: Communication
Wonder what the other person is feeling? Ask’ em. Wish they knew how you were feeling? Tell ‘em. Speak with kindness and gentleness, and you’ll be more apt to reach an understanding. If you don’t, assumption will just make fools of everyone, including the person who came up with that aphorism.
Affirmation: Manifestation
If you could have anything you wanted, what would it be? Get specific—and get greedy! You are holding a magic wand and you can conjure up anything. Stop waiting and start doing.
Affirmation: Gratitude
Be grateful for all the little things. Even when the big things suck, there are always plenty of things you can be at least a little grateful for.
Affirmation: Divine
Timing Everything is timing, and timing is everything. Gladly, we can release concern over timing and let things happen when and as they will. Trust that the divine schedule-makers know what they are doing.
Affirmation: Abundance
Congratulations! It seems you are due for some abundance pie. Feel like you don’t deserve it? Knock it off! It’s ready to go and waiting on you to accept it. Enjoy it because it is well-deserved.
Affirmation: Peacefulness
Have a peaceful, tranquil, and untroubled heart and make that where you choose to spend your time. You can bring guests… but any person, thought, or event that brings drama or chaos is not invited. Your heart is a special property—keep it that way!
Affirmation: Personal
Growth As you move toward greater consciousness, feel those old thoughts and habits fall away. Like training wheels on a bike, they helped you get to where you are. But now that you can ride, you don’t need those slow, crummy wheels anymore.
Affirmation: No Judgment
Release yourself from any and all judgments. Find your inner critic, call it into your office, and tell it to take a vacation. As it leaves the room, be sure to let out a sigh and begin to enjoy the joy of simply being. Who hired that one, anyway?!