Real Talk With BELLA + Vanessa Coppes: Affirmations to Help You Shift the Energy in Your Life + Biz, right now!
“My job sucks.” “The economy is terrible.” “I haven’t made a sale in weeks.” If you can relate to even 1 of these statements, you have probably become a victim of your own negative thinking.
Have you ever considered that maybe the only thing stopping you from having a life and business you love is precisely that, negative thinking?
Truth: It’s not the lack of resources or the ‘uncool’ mom you had as a kid or the other excuses we use to justify for not having the life we want.
We all have reasons to feel bad at any time during our day. I get it, circumstances change for better or for worse in a flow of events. And naturally, we react to those circumstances just as we’ve been taught to by our families and friends.
So does how we react to any given situation matter? Your reaction is energy and
energy is everything. Listen now...