Letter from the Editor-in-Chief: Arts + Culture Issue

“Art is standing with one hand extended into the universe and one hand extended into the world, and letting ourselves be a conduit for  passing energy.”~Albert Einstein

This year’s Arts + Culture Issue cover has a new look.Reflecting on how quickly this year has come to an end, I couldn’t shake the need to  highlight some of the most important moments we have lived through.Because art makes life more manageable, tolerable, and enjoyable, this issue can be enjoyed as an artistic expression of what we felt are some of the most iconic cultural moments from 2022.These moments have and will continue to shape our thoughts and interactions with others and our lives for years to come. It is impossible to think of a time in our history in which we haven’t relied on some form of artistic expression that has forced us to look deep within.Art communicates, shapes our lives, and makes a social statement. Art also measures our level of cultural experiences. We’ve been able to learn about our human existence through artifacts left behind. I’ve always believed that the arts + our connected cultural expressions have been humanity’s saving grace.My team and I continue to create what I know to be masterpieces with each issue. For this one I commissioned self-taught artist Alloyius Mcilwaine to capture seven of the most poignant moments from this past year, hence our gorgeous cover and cover story that you must dive into on pages 62-63. And because the holiday season is upon us, we’ve included gift guides for everyone on your list. Be sure to check out Beauty Scene (page 23), A Novel Idea (pages 36-37),5 Steps to Fabulous (pages 48-49), Mind + Body (pages 54-55), and Beauty of Giving Back (page 82). I also share a travel guide to what you should consider as your next vacation destination—the gorgeous Placencia, Belize (pages 44-47).If just for a bit throughout this holiday season, I encourage us all to truly enjoy our time with what we’ve come to realize and continues to be the pinnacle of our existence: our connection to family, friends, and loved ones.Stay warm and enjoy one another + these beautiful pages. With so much love, I wish you a beautiful holiday season and a prosperous new year!Vanessa Coppes


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